Repaying Your Federal Student Loans
Those with federal student loans have been in a payment pause for almost two years. This is a perfect time to assess your current situation to see what your options are when repayment begins in May. Join LSS Financial Counseling and Minneapolis/St Paul-based TopLine Financial Credit Union for a workshop to learn:
- Different types of federal student loans
- Payment plan options available
- The details of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program and how to qualify
- How changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program could impact you
- Where to access helpful tools and forms
This seminar will be held virtually
The seminar is free and is open to the general public, but reservations are required. To reserve your spot, please click here, call us at 763-391-9494 or email
Please feel free to extend our invitation to others you know who may have interest. Family members and friends are all welcome to attend.
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